How to Enter

Entries have now closed

Tips for Success

  • Read carefully the description of the category you wish to enter

  • Read the tips for success below of what the judges are looking for

  • Explain in no more than 750 words why you deserve the Award: what you set out to do and what has been achieved.
    Do not exceed 750 words with your submission (appendices are excluded from this count).  Entries that do not comply will be marked down or rejected

  • Provide supporting evidence – this is crucial

  • The completed entry must be submitted by midnight on Monday 17 June 2024

  • Be clear: While you aren’t judged on the design of your entry, something that is well-presented and well-laid out will be easier for the judges to extract the relevant information from. Clear and simple should be your watchwords.
  • Provide evidence: If the entry criteria asks for evidence of success – be it financial or operational – then you need to show it clearly. The judges need to see the hard facts that back up your claims.
  • Be concise: For some awards the judges will have to read through a large number of entries in a limited period of time. Therefore, while encyclopedia-thick entries are very worthy, it’s unlikely they will get the attention they deserve.
  • Be current: While we value the remarkable history of the UK legal profession, the awards celebrate this year’s successes, therefore, your entry should focus solely on achievements from June 2023 - June 2024.
  • Above and beyond: Remember the Awards reward excellence, that does not mean simply ticking the boxes, it means going above and beyond the call of duty. You need to demonstrate, with evidence, that you have done this.
  • Size isn’t important: Judges take into account the relative size of each company involved and make their decision on the basis of the evidence in front of them. Small companies have succeeded in the past.
  • Appendices: If you are going to include appendices, then some guidance and context as to what they contain and why they are relevant is important. We would recommend that you attach no more than three or four testimonials and/or supplementary examples of exceptional achievement.
  • Never assume: While the judges all have relevant experience, they won’t necessarily know the intricacies of your operation or sector. If it’s relevant to your entry, then describe the particular challenges you face.